Have you ever felt your big toe being grilled on fire in the middle of the night? Then questioned yourself, “did I hurt myself yesterday?” I am sure you must have experienced a lot of these things. However, it might not always be a simple minor case. But guess what? You probably faced a gout […]
Category Archives: Health
Are migraine attacks becoming an everyday occurrence in your life? Of course, migraine is not fatal, but it is an extremely painful and devastating problem. Most people cannot do anything when they suffer from a migraine attack. You become so disabled with the throbbing headache that you just cannot work or perform your routine activities. […]
Good news for all the coffee lovers! When you sip your morning cup of coffee, are you reducing or prevention of breast cancer at the same time? Yes, Drinking coffee may help breast cancer prevention in the postmenopausal woman. Breast Cancer Research published a research study that coffee drinkers may lower their risk of developing a […]
Do you know which the most painful type of arthritis is? Well gout is the most painful type of arthritis and to prevent it lot of people avoid high purine foods. But, does avoiding high purine foods prevent gout? Yes, it is true. If you avoid taking high purine food or high uric acid diet, your chances […]
Alzheimer’s disease is the only cause of death among the top 10 (it’s currently ranked No. 6) in the United States that can’t be prevented, cured or slowed down. In my previous article What Everybody Ought to Know About Alzheimer’s Disease you can learn about the risk factors, signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s, diagnosis and treatment […]
Do you know the emergency first aid for heart attack? Life is uncertain and anything can happen at any time. Hence, you must always be ready to tackle the challenges life throws at you. Any emergencies such as a sudden heart attack or a major accident requires immediate call to action. You do not have […]
Have you heard about the latest buzz in town? I guess not many of you must have heard about the new “text neck syndrome”. But, it surely is a new and rising threat in the health sector. You ought to know about it before your friends make a fuss on it by saying “Are you […]
Chickenpox is an ugly painful disease; a viral infection which causes itchy, blister like rash all over the body. So of course you would want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Almost everyone is bound to have chickenpox once in their lifetime, most likely in their childhood. In my previous article on chickenpox, I […]
Does chicken pox happen to everyone? It is mandatory for almost everyone to suffer from chickenpox once in their lifetime. I was infected with this viral disease at the age of seven, but I merely remember the severity of it. However, recently when my niece suffered from chicken pox virus, I then realized how much of pain […]
You surely must have observed your grandparents, parents forgetting little things now and then as they move towards the old age in their life. It is very common for you too to forget some important or unimportant things from time to time. Well losing memory as you age is natural. But at the same time, […]