Search Results for: nutrient rich foods

What Are The Health Benefits Of Diastan Powder?


While there are a number of health issues that India is battling with, diabetes is one of the topmost worrying factors. The International Diabetes Federation projects that the numerous Indians who are with diabetes will soar to 123 million by the year 2040. Currently, 5% of the Indian population tolerates from diabetes. It is a […]

What Is L- Arginine ? And It’s Amazing Health Benefits

What Is L-Arginine ? And It's Amazing Health Benefits

Consuming few supplements has become a rather usual practice today. With enhancing awareness and work hours, This generation has no other option but to take herbal and nutritional supplements to keep optimal health. There’s a wonderful supplement for everything—heart health, brain development and what not. But what if I tell you that there is a […]

5 Powerful Natural Ways To Treat Liver Diseases


The liver is the second largest organ of the body. It plays an important role in the body’s digestive system. The liver helps in metabolizing all essential nutrients, fights infections, controls cholesterol, controls blood sugar, makes proteins and releases bile to help digestion. Your liver is quite loaded with many things as lots of work it […]

Hibiscus-Nature’s Gift To Cure All Hair Problems

Hair Fall

Nothing is more beautiful than a thick long black hair that brightly shines with natural health. But hair loss is a problem that many people suffer from. With rising pollution and toxic air in the environment, we are breathing, coughing and then healing ourselves everything now and then but what about our hair? Our lengthy […]

5 Quick Ways To Boost Your Energy Naturally

Low Energy

Do you feel tired and sleepy every time in a day? Are you losing your interest in daily household or office chores?? Do you feel exhausted before the day is over? Too pooped to play on weekends? Can’t even begin to think about exercising or sex, or you run out of gas before working up […]

Amazing Benefits Of Bhringraja For Hair Growth

Amazing Benefits Of Bhringraja For Hair Growth

Can’t deal with more hair fall? Or Dry hair? Or Dull hair? Or Dandruff? Is there any hair product or hair supplement that you haven’t tried? If yes is the answer to your questions, then you’ve come to the right place. You have a problem? We have the solution. So, let’s cut the small talk […]

10 Unique Benefits Of Neuro Care Capsules

Neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with many disorders of the total nervous system. Generally, neurological branch deals with both diagnosis and also the treatment of all the category conditions and diseases that are involving in the central and peripheral nervous system, including their coverings, blood vessels, and also all effector tissue, such […]

How Important Is Iron And Folic Acid For Your Bodily Function?

How Important Is Iron And Folic Acid For Your Bodily Function?

Iron and folic acid play a key role in performing some important functions in the human body. Iron is an important mineral that is essential for proper development and growth of the human body. Iron aids in metabolizing proteins and it also plays the key role in the formation of Red Blood Cells(RBCs) and also […]

10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Immune Care Powder

What Are The Benefits Of Using Immune Care Powder For Your Immune System?

Inside the human body, there is an amazing protectio­n mechanism called the immune system. It is designed to defend you against millions of bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and parasites that would love to invade your body. To understand the power of the immune system, all that you have to do is look at what happens […]

How Triphala Is Helpful For Your Health?

How Triphala Is Helpful For Your Health?

While the world has evolved and also changed, the cures, recipes, and also home remedies stated in health have stood the test of time. Today, with increasing awareness about health and side effects of allopathic medicines, using kitchen herbs, spices, and condiments for treatment is becoming an increasingly attractive option. One of the many home […]