Search Results for: nutrient rich foods

14 Hidden Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Nature is the best medicine. Any illness is an indication of being out of balance with nature. By the use of natural herbs, one can certainly keep the diseases at bay and also overcome many disorders of the body as natural medications act as permanent remedies and also supports in leading a balanced and healthy […]

21 Proven Health Benefits Of Shatavari

21 Proven Health Benefits Of Shatavari

What Is Shatavari? The Shatavari  is also called as Asparagus racemosus, this belongs to family Liliaceae and grows throughout Nepal, Sri Lanka, India and the Himalayas. It is a climber which grows up to 2 meters. It is also known by other Sanskrit names Shataveerya, Bahusutha, and Atirasa. Roots of this natural herb is rich […]

19 Proven Health Benefits Of Green Tea You Need To Know

What Are The Benefits Of Green Tea?

Green Tea health benefits include protecting the body from radiation damage, strengthening the immune system, supporting a healthy heart, supporting a healthy liver, promoting healthy digestion, promoting weight loss, regulating blood sugar, improving memory, preventing infection, slowing down the ageing process, and supporting oral health. What Is Green Tea? Green tea is one of the […]

What Is Seabuckthorn Oil Used For?

What Is Seabuckthorn Oil Used For?

Generally many people are familiar not with this berry. It is bright orange with hints of yellow, and also tastes tart and fatty. Seabuckthorn is native over a wide area of Europe and Asia, and has only recently been introduced to North America. Are you looking for a new natural herbal supplement that you can […]

What Does Grape Seed Extract Do For Health & Skin?

What Does Grape Seed Extract Do For Health & Skin?

We all love eating grapes and also this grapefruit have some real good health benefits. However, have you ever thought that the tiny grape seeds that are present in the grapes can also be healthy and beneficial? Yes! There are a lot of health benefits of Grape seeds. You can also have grape seed in […]

What Are The Benefits Of Fenugreek?

What Is Fenugreek? Fenugreek is also known as methi, it is a common plant that grows in many countries over the world. This plant generally originates from Near East and Middle. The Indian citizens often use this plant for various purposes. That is because there are many benefits of fenugreek seeds and leaves for the […]

What Does Aloe Vera Gel Do For You?

The beauty benefits of Aloe Vera are numerous. This is widely used plant for both beauty and health. What Is Aloe Vera?   Aloe Vera is also known as medicinal aloe, and it is commonly called are lily of the desert, burn plant, and elephant’s gall. It belongs to the family of succulent plants in the […]

What Are The Benefits Of Fish Oil Supplements?

What Are The Benefits Of Fish Oil Supplements?

Traditionally the way to reap the benefits of fish oil is to included fish like tuna, salmon or other seafood to your diet, apart from foods, fish oil supplements are also a good option. With the modern way of life with everyone on the run, our working on the road, with hectic lifestyles or just […]

How Are Omega 3 Fatty Acids Good For You?

What Is Omega 3 Fatty Acid? Omega-3 fatty acids are considered as essential fatty acids. They are necessary for human health. Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development. They have also become popular because they may reduce the risk of heart disease. Omega-3s are one […]

Why Should I Use Apple Cider Vinegar?

Why should i use apple cider vinegar?

What is Vinegar?   Vinegar is something important that can be put to a lot use altogether world. Both indian and as well as western foods enthusiast, generally use of vinegar in everyday cooking. A regular hit as a salad dressing and among much of the oriental, Asian and western cooking affair, the surprisingly miraculous […]