Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Autism – A Detailed Discussion

Autism has different forms, and it is next to impossible to group all individuals with Autism under a single category. The symptoms of Autism cover a very large area, it includes people with high level of Autism who literally appear to be mentally retarded to people with very mild symptoms of the disease and even […]

Moringa Leaf Extract Supplement: Miraculous Benefits To Enjoy

Moringa is a very useful plant. Its flower, leaves, fruit, bark and seeds are very useful and it is used for medicine. It is mainly found in Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The leaf extract is useful for anemia patient, joint pain and arthritis and many other problems. You can apply Moringa directly to kill […]

Spirulina Health Supplements – Nature’s Multivitamins

Spirulina Health Supplement is gaining popularity across the globe as they are considered extremely vital for fighting malnutrition along with several other diseases. In fact, if you wish to reduce weight you can include this supplement as a part of your regular diet. To more read on….. Nutritional Facts This supplement is highly effective for […]

Look Naturally Beautiful With Natural Saffron Fairness Cream

In today’s environment, where dirt, grime and dust have become an integral part of our lives. As such our skin has lost the glow, and it looks dull, dry and drab. In such a scenario what we need is a good fairness cream that can work wonders without causing any damage to our skin. The […]

Ashwagandha Supplement: A Stress Free Solution

What Is Ashwagandha Supplement? Ashwagandha is a natural herb and the supplement made of this herb is very much effective. It is very much effective for you to strengthen your immune system and it contains Withanolides 2.5%. It also looks into your cognitive function and mental process. The magic of this healthy herb is that […]

Get Into The Shape With The Intake Of Green Coffee Bean Extract Health Supplement

What Is Green Coffee Bean Extract Health Supplement When you see coffee bean it is generally brown in color. But, actually the coffee bean are green in color. Consumers get the packet of brown coffee bean after they are roasted. Green Coffee Bean Extract contains nutritional compound and it is useful for your body. The […]

Grape Seed Extract Health Supplement Works Wonder For Your Body

What is grape seed extract health supplement? The seed extract comes from red wine grape and it is beneficial for many health issues. Well, the grape seed extracts are rich in Flavonoids, Phenolic Procyanidins, and Linoleic and it has 70% polyphenols. In India, it is also known as Draksha Beeja and good for your health. […]

For A Healthy Glowing Skin Natural Papaya Fairness Cream Is The Key

The Papaya Fairness Cream is gaining popularity across the globe. Made out of a combination of raw papaya combined with Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, Potato this cream is unlike any other fairness skin cream product available on the shelf. The product not only improves your skin quality but also prevents skin pigmentation. In comparison to […]

Losing Weight Is Fun With Whey Protein

In spite of following a healthy diet along with exercising on a regular basis, many of us don’t lose any weight. Are you wondering why this happens? Well, sometimes a balanced diet is not enough. You need something extra. And it is here, that whey protein makes all the difference. Read on to know more….. […]

A Healthy Life Awaits For You: Flaxseed Oil Omega 3, 6, 9 Acids Supplement

The richness of Omega 3, 6, 9 acids are available in Flaxseed oil and this oil ensures a better and healthy living. ALA i.e. alpha-linolenic acid is the active acid, which one can get in Flaxseed oil. This ALA converts into EPA i.e. Eicosapentaenoic acid and also DHA i.e. Docosahexaenoic acid and helps in the […]