Keto diet – Is this a boon or bane? Ketogenic diets are known as very low carbohydrate diets, they have been around since 1920’s when they started being used as a treatment for epilepsy. These diets became very famous four decades ago and sine then they have been reinvented under various names. Have you ever […]
Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal
Anxiety After Pregnancy Most of them have heard of antenatal and postnatal depression (PND) where a woman develops depression during pregnancy or after the birth of a child. What is often not as well known is that women can also experience symptoms that are more anxiety-related rather than the depression-related. In actual fact, many of […]
Honey your friend or foe? Honey is one of the oldest sweeteners on the earth. Lucky for us, it also has many health benefits and uses. Honey is so good, so many of them included it in our list of power foods that should be in your kitchen right now. Today, honey is the focus […]
Pros and Cons of feeding powdered milk to your kids After going through labor and delivery, the next step for new mothers is adjusting to the breastfeeding. With respect to traditional and cultural values, most of them do not step away from breastfeeding unless they required by a medical condition. But with changing times and […]
Increase Your Breast Size Naturally! So, You all beautiful ladies out there! Without a doubt, you all desire to be most admired! So, are you aiming for a good and sizzling Breast Size? You want it to gain a perfect shape to become full-appealing? Do you want your breasts to gain shape and become perfect […]
Weaning Foods For Your Babies! Congratulations on the birth of your little angel! If you are a first-time mom, then the experience of motherhood is nothing short of an exhilarating ride, and it will be something you will cherish forever! Often mothers are enthusiastic and eager to start giving their babies foods other than breast […]
Condition of Bell’s palsy Bell’s palsy is a weakness or paralysis of the muscles that occurs on one side of your face. Damage to the facial nerve which controls muscles on one side of the face causes that side of your face to droop. The nerve damage may also affect your sense of taste on […]
Avoid These Sperm Killers They are everywhere! They seep into your skin in the checkout line, saturate you in the shower, and they even ooze into the convenient food you grab on the run! Plenty of everyday chemicals are zapping your sperm counts and even silently scrambling your DNA sperm. Some of these sperm killers […]
Foods That Prevent Premature Ejaculation For many men, premature ejaculation occurs rarely. But, if it becomes a frequent issue, it may inhibit your sex life seriously. As men get older, this condition may become a more frequent problem. It is often related to testosterone levels which naturally decrease with age. It doesn’t make it any […]
Every day, your skin is battling pollution, sweat, and pore-clogging face makeup. Your skin gets exposed to dirt and dust on any given day. Add to that regular oil secretion, as well as discarded dead skin cells, you have a disastrous recipe for clogged pores. Just washing your face daily is, of course, the best […]