Category Archives: Health

5 Natural Medicines to Increase Sperm Count

5 Natural Medicines to Increase Sperm Count

Are you among those couples who are trying to have a baby but have failed? In general, people tend to bother much about a woman’s physical health and think there must be some disabilities regarding conceiving a child in women. But various health studies show that many times the sperm count of a male is […]

Foods To Naturally Reduce Sugar Levels In Diabetic Patients

Foods to Naturally Reduce Sugar Levels in Diabetic Patients

Diabetes is a serious health issue. Most people are suffering from this disease find their life miserable. This can be controlled only with the help of food control. There are some natural food substances which help in controlling Diabetes efficiently. Top ten natural food substances are listed below that have been proven to be a […]

Home Remedy for Pink Eye That Works Every Time

The colloquial term for pink eye is conjunctivitis. The swelling of the conjunctiva of the eyes is known as pink eye or conjunctivitis. What is conjunctiva? The conjunctiva is the mucous layer that borders the eye top and eyelids. The bordering of the eye is generally clear but if irritation occurs there then swelling happens, […]

Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Milk Daily

From the very childhood, we often tend to avoid milk without knowing much about the benefits of drinking milk everyday that we can receive. But as we grow, we face various health problems related to deficit calcium, essential nutrients and more. Moreover, most of the people decrease their milk intake as they are not aware of […]

9 Drinks That Help You Fight Diabetes

You don’t want to have high sugar levels, do you? We all want to be fit and healthy. Too much of blood sugar level make us unfit and fat and even may result in death. No one likes to be overweight either or die early. Diabetes type 2 can make you unconscious at times. You […]

Depression. Do You Know The Symptoms?

What is depression? A feeling of being dejected. It is a common disorder in your mood, and you feel empty, hopeless. You are pessimistic. You see no good. You feel guilty; you see no interest in anything. You feel weak. There are many other symptoms, and we will see it later. But, what we all […]

Top 12 Healthiest Teas To Drink For Weight Loss

Top 12 Healthiest Teas to Drink for Weight Loss

So, we all think having tea will make us skin complexion even more black. But then it has its own benefits. When we all cry over losing weight, only a few of us know there are many beneficial teas which can help us lose weight. Tea has basically originated from Lipton, and it is very […]