Category Archives: Health

Word of Wisdom to Save Your Heart

Doctors are fire fighting with diseases all the time. What if you could get some free advice on how to live longer and healthier by taking on a different course of action, by making a few simple lifestyle changes? Doctors deliver heroic cures and help us get better with time, aiding our medical needs round […]

Best 10 Foods To Improve Bone Strength And Joint Health

Foods to Improve Bone Strength and Joint Health

Bones are growing, living tissues that are made mostly of collagen. Bone contains calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate that adds strength and hardens the framework of the body. The combination of collagen and calcium provides the bone its flexibility and strength. The bones are strong due to the presence of calcium, and more than 99% of […]

The Various Advantages of Consuming Probiotics

When we hear the term ‘Bacteria’, we instantly turn up our noses, thinking of ways to either get rid of it or avoid contact. Since they have an infamous reputation of causing diseases, if we told you that bacteria do in fact, help build immunity, you may laugh in our faces. Well, it’s true! Research […]

Fat Burning Foods Aid In Gaining Sexy And Flat Belly

Are You Still Managing To Reduce Belly Fat And Indulge In Crash Diets For A Sexy Body? We have all been there where you look at a cookie which looks like a prince you can never have. No matter how tempting it looks you stop yourself from having those sinful foods and consume low fat […]

When Should You Go To A Hospital?

Something is wrong. You’re sick, and you need medical attention. Not urgently? Maybe the pain in your chest will go away. Maybe your finger will stop bleeding. Maybe if you went to the hospital, you’d end up waiting for hours. Then again, things might worsen if you stay at home. We all face this choice […]

Your Aching Joints- All You Need To Know About Osteoarthritis

Unlike the common misconception, Osteoarthritis isn’t restricted to the elderly. Here’s what you need to know about joint health – its causes, treatments and preventive measures. What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis or OA, as it is more commonly called, is a condition where the cartilage that cushions the joint breaks down, causing pain, stiffness and loss […]

Effective Ways To Cope Up And Control Diabetes

As compared to yesteryears, people today are more prone to health issues like blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, and many other which then were treated as small issues. Though treatable health conditions, but they affect every part of your organ in a negative way. Every other person we meet today is suffering from diabetes and […]

Reduce Your Cellulite with These Effective Home Remedies

You might have come across people who had dimpled skin on their pelvic region, thighs, and abdomen. These people suffer from a medical condition known as cellulite and anyone, be it, man, woman or child can suffer from it. However, it is usually more common in women. Before learning about the various home remedies of […]

Bottled Health : Multivitamin and Minerals Tablets

Multivitamin and minerals tablets are supplements that provide the human body with the required amount of vitamins and minerals which it may not be getting from the daily diet. In today’s world of mass-produced and processed food, eating right and healthy has become a struggle for almost all of us. Gone are those days when […]

4 Fatal Diseases That Can Escape The Eyes Of Your Doctor

We often come across cases or stories where the victim of a dreadful disease has been struggling to live a healthy life for ages without knowing the cause of his situation. How many times have you heard about a relative or a friend or someone you know, being diagnosed with a fatal condition that should […]