Search Results for: nutrient rich foods

5 Foods to Eat Before and After a Workout to Maximize its Effectiveness

Pre-workout Foods

Are you sweating out 4-5 days in the gym but don’t seem to get effective results? May be the reason lies in your diet. A well-planned diet rich in proteins and carbohydrates plays a very important role in maximizing the benefits of exercise. It helps in energizing the muscles, promotes weight loss and helps in […]

9 Best Foods That Increases Fertility In Women

Female Infertility

With the ever rising cases of fertility complications and miscarriages, modern day couples are becoming increasingly concerned about fertility and conception. The reasons for infertility are several and one of the most common causes of female infertility is ovulatory disorders. If your partner(wife) is trying to get pregnancy then there are certain simple measures that […]

Nutrients that Prevent Osteoporosis and their Natural Food Sources

Causes of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease in which the bones turn porous by losing mineral density that in turn increases the risk of fractures. Osteoporosis stands as the sole reason for 8.9 million fractures globally in a single year. Osteoporosis is more common among women above the age of 50 years, and it can lead […]

Top 7 Best Fertility Boosting Nutrients for Men

Men infertility

Infertility in medical terms stands for the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy even after 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse. The reason for failure of conception may lie either in the male or female, but today’s article deals with the problem of male infertility and it accounts to about 40 to 50% of total […]

7 Best Nutrients for Boosting Memory and Concentration


We cannot push forgetfulness or memory slip to the territory of aging related problems; we often lose the link in the middle of a sentence or forget the reason for entering a room or opening a cupboard. Children and young adults often face problem in concentrating on their studies that hinder their academic performance, and […]

Things to Know about Iron Micronutrient and Its Deficiency

iron deficiency

Iron is one of the most-important micro nutrients that our body requires for maintaining good health. It is known as micro nutrient because it is required in very small amounts. As per the ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for an adult man is 17 mg while, for women 21 mg […]

Natural Foods to relieve Yourself from Constipation

People suffering from constipation constantly complain of uneasiness and it upsets their entire routine making them uncomfortable. If a person does not have proper motions in the morning or if the body is not able to excrete well, it makes people uncomfortable and they can’t concentrate on their work. Sometimes the stomach feels upset, sometimes […]

Significance of food rich in antioxidants explained!

health benefits of antioxidants

Lack of immunity results in the inability of your body to fight against infections.  The body becomes weak and more prone to common cold, cough, flu, etc. Also, during bad weather conditions such as rains and cold seasons the frequency of a number of people falling ill increases. Since these common infections are contagious, they […]

Five Healthy Foods To Eat At Your Workstation

Healthy foods

We have all heard and read everywhere about healthy food facts and how important it is to follow a nutritious balanced diet in order to maintain good health and physique. But, the question is while you can’t just leave your job and avoid sitting at a desk all day long, how can you still maintain […]

Frozen Foods – Are they really Good for Health?

frozen foods

Frozen foods are popular as practical fix for dinner with the working couples. Combating their rush hours all day long, when get home and peep into the fridge just find nothing to gulp, will inevitably gulp down frozen vegetables or frozen products. Of course, they are instant, convenient and affordable, but the bet is to […]