Search Results for: nutrient rich foods

What Are The Must Have Nutrients During Pregnancy?

Nutrients for pregnancy

Pregnancy is every woman’s dream and a special phase of her life. Pregnancy might leave you with mixed feelings of being excited, delighted, anxious and curious with all the changes taking place. But, the joy, pleasure and happiness to see your offspring is endless. Apart from this it is also natural for you to worry […]

10 Good Sleeping Habits to Improve your Sleep

Healthy Sleeping Habits for Promoting Restful Sleep

Healthy sleeping habits can bring about great positive changes in your personal and professional life. Sleep deprivation caused by insomnia and other sleep issues can affect your health, productivity, memory and concentration. There are various unavoidable factors such as work pressure and family responsibilities that interfere with sleep, but these simple sleeping habits can help […]


People have been discovering treatments out of nature for thousands of years, and 80 percent of the population today in both developing and developed countries receives their primary care from systems based on plants.  According to Ayurveda, plants provide a wide range of compounds that can be used to treat a number of ailments. Because […]

Arm Yourself Up with the Power of Vitamin C & Zinc!

Vitamin C and Zinc are two of the best possible solutions to boost immunity. They both play a crucial part in the current scenario, where immunity is of absolute importance. While following all-important guidelines introduced by health authorities and the government, you must take vitamin C and zinc a part of your immunity-boosting nutrients.  Their intake […]

Give Your Immunity a Dose of Boost & Care

We know the significance of handwashing, physical distancing, and wearing face masks to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. Can boosting our immune system through adequate nutrition make a difference too? Well, it can’t hurt! Keeping our immune system, the body’s first defense against infection, in tip-top shape is a good practice, pandemic or not. […]

7 Nourishing Homemade Face Packs For Dry Skin

homemade face packs for dry skin

Skin is the mirror of our inner health and vitality and it is important to nourish and care for it regularly so that it always reflects a youthful and stunning image. But dry, itchy and flaky skin isn’t just irritating, it is unpleasant as well. Certain skin types are naturally dry and winter makes things […]

The Value of Ultimate Immunity Booster Nutrition & How It’s Done!

The Nutritional Immunity Booster & Recharge! An important factor that stimulates the spread of the pandemic is the waning of immunity, underlining that our last line of defence is our immune system. Even while nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining immunity, micronutrient deficiency or hidden hunger plagues an estimated two billion people worldwide, making […]

#HerHealthMatters: A 360 Degree Perspective on Why Multivitamins for Women are Essential for Overall Development

“One out of three people in developing countries are affected by vitamin and mineral deficiencies and therefore more subject to infection, birth defects and impaired physical and psycho-intellectual development.” (WHO 2006). We do not require any supplements; our food would provide us with all the vitamins and minerals. But do we live in an ideal […]

A Beginner’s Guide To A Plant-Based Diet

A Beginner’s Guide To A Plant-Based Diet

Plant-based or plant-forward eating patterns focus on foods that are primarily from plants. This includes not only fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, oils, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and beans. It does not mean that you are a vegetarian or a vegan and never eat meat or dairy.  What Can You Eat On A Plant-Based […]