Search Results for: nutrient rich foods

Best 8 Healthy Muscle Building Foods And Exercises

Muscle Building Foods

Protein is the body’s main building block. All the organs including the muscles are built from proteins, as are the skin, nails, and hair. Delivering the body a constant supply of protein throughout the entire day is important for muscle growth. Protein is mainly made of amino acids. Amino acids are the main building block […]

10 Best Healthy Foods To Relieve Stress And Anxiety

Foods to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Stressful events don’t always have to be serious catastrophic happenings; stress can arise from day to day events such as work pressure, approaching deadlines, minor arguments or traffic jams. As a response to stress, hormone cortisol is released from the adrenal cortex that promotes food cravings, specially carbs and sweet foods. At this point, eating […]

10 Best Foods During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Best Postpartum Nutrition

Welcoming the special new member in the family is indeed the happiest moment for parents, but pregnancy is a big step for the mother where she is confronted with various physical, emotional and psychological changes. After the birth of the baby, the mother remains pre-occupied with its feeding and sleeping paying limited attention to her […]

8 Essential Food Nutrients For A Heart Healthy

foods for heart

Heart diseases have emerged as one of the largest killers around the world and it includes a wide range of problems that are caused by increased level of cholesterol in the blood, inflammation and stiffening of arteries and blood vessels, plaque buildup in the arteries and increased blood clotting. But thankfully, all these are healable […]

Top 8 Fat Burning Diet Foods that help in Weight Loss

weightloss foods

All of us dream of having a perfect body and put in efforts to achieve it through rigorous workout sessions and restrictive diets but then temptation and lack of self-restraint always comes in the way and breaks the resolution. Well, the good news is that there is no need to starve for achieving your dream […]

8 Natural Foods that Control Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes has emerged as one of the most prevalent chronic diseases around the world that leads to various other health problems such as kidney failure, nerve damage and coronary heart disease. Diabetes is a condition in which the body either fails to produce insulin or is unable to use it efficiently to control […]

8 Foods Based Home Remedies to Prevent Heart Diseases

Heart Disease

Heart disease involves a number of complications and includes a wide range of factors that affects the heart. Heart diseases include blockage of arteries or atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, heart failure and heartbeat problems called arrhythmias. Heart diseases have emerged as one of the major causes of death killing 56 million people worldwide in one […]

Top 8 Healthy Foods that Controls Hunger and Mindless Cravings

Controls Hunger and Mindless Cravings

Almost all of us have tried to lose weight and achieve a perfectly toned body with rigorous exercise and planned weight loss diets. But each time the resolution has been broken by the temptations of untimely snacks rich in refined sugar, sodium and trans-fats. Eating between meals is one of the major reasons for weight […]