It is very rightly said that the key to a person’s heart goes through his stomach. If you are new to eating home food, you might first experience a kind of detox phase. As your taste buds are already accustomed to the exaggerated flavours of chemically processed foods. You suddenly might expect everything to taste […]
Tag Archives: healthy lifestyle
Coffee is surely a miraculous pick-up drink for millions of people all over the world who love to enjoy it as daily cuppa coffee. Caffeine is presumed to be the world’s most commonly consumed psychoactive substance. Indeed, caffeine can be considered as a mixed bag. It liaises with both advantages and disadvantages. For instance, It […]
The key to a healthy life always lies in the smartest food decisions that you make. Even if you are looking to maintain your weight or to lose some of those pounds, 80% of your goal depends on the food you eat rather than physical activity. The internet is full of weight loss tips and […]
Have you ever searched the internet about the internet? Well if you are here, that means you did it! Everybody goes on about how the internet is bad for you because you spend too much time on it or how it affects your eyes or even how it affects you mentally. But little do people […]
We are halfway through 2019 and looks like we are all good so far. Are we? The past decade has seen many health trends hitting the sky through the internet and intriguing people to think which one to adopt. The most popular ones are the low carb diets like Keto, wearable technology and wellness drinks. […]
When we talk about family, the first thing that comes to our mind is the people who live with us. You may or may not share a home, blood relation or even for that matter any geographical location, but you still feel the sense of family with these people. According to sociology, humans are social […]
If you think this world as a stressful place to probably you are not alone. Constantly, feeling anxious and frustrated about yourself will drain all the energy and makes you feel like losing control of your life. These difficult situations often lead to stress and make you indecisive. As, problems are a part and parcel […]