Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Ways to Avoid Too Much Pregnancy Weight

Ways to Avoid Too Much Pregnancy Weight

Do your relatives force you to eat a double dose of what you were used to eating before? Now that’s quite natural. They think as you are carrying you should eat for yourself as well as for your baby. Now overeating has other risks too; gaining too much weight during pregnancy months can increase the […]

Healthy Summer Snacks Ideas For Kids

Are you worried about what snacks to give to your kids after they come from school exasperated in the blazing heat? Has providing health and taste to your kid become a challenge to you these days? Not to worry so much, here in this article you will find healthy snacks for kids that are tastier […]

How to Care For Your Nails At Home

How to Care For Your Nails At Home

Do you know that the shape, texture and length of your nails talk a lot about the basic hygiene, health and styling sense of yours? Personal grooming does not only include dressing up in a modern style, but it also includes keeping well maintained and gorgeous looking nails. Well, maintained nails accentuate your level of […]

Simple Stress Relief Techniques

Simple Stress Relief Techniques

Do you often remain stressed and this very fact is troubling you from inside? You need a complete relaxation and free yourself from the material world. Here in this article, you will find different how to reduce stress regarding stress relief techniques. What Are The Different Simple Stress Relief Techniques? Meditation Perhaps no other technique is as […]

Quick Remedies For Itchy Mosquito Bites

Don’t you get irritated when you want to spend a splendid time with your family outdoor but a pack of mosquitoes disturb you too much by its bites? Whether you are out in the backward fixing the gutter lines, in the lawn or garage with your tools, or in the park at a picnic, the […]

Best Aerobic Workouts For Weight Loss

Are your worried about your jutting belly that prevents you from wearing body hugging dresses? Do you feel embarrassed because of the tummy size that you have grown lately? There is nothing to worry about it so much. You can get rid of this embarrassing body shapes if you do some aerobic exercises at home. […]

Symptoms Of Vitamin B Deficiency

Have you ever wondered why the doctors always advise you to have a balanced diet? This is because the building blocks in your body do not come from one source only; it comes from a variety of sources that you eat daily. So eating a balanced diet ensures that your body gets all the essential […]

Home Remedies for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Are you suffering from joint pain and serious Arthritis? Do you end up missing family get together and functions and spend the whole time yawning in pain? This has been the scenario for a huge number of elderly people nowadays. This article puts a light on how to get rid of both the osteoarthritis or […]

Pregnancy Symptoms: Top 5 Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy Symptoms: Top 5 Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an amazing span of time in every woman’s life. Usually, most of the women fail to realize that they are pregnant in their initial stage though the body shows various symptoms of pregnancy. A majority change takes place in their body hormones, and also they feel low in mentally. Not every female fails […]