Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

5 Common Causes of Hip Pain in Women

5 Common Causes of Hip Pain in Women

Hip is an important part of the body to maintain and retain back balance. Its primary function is to support our upper body weight while we are in steady, running, walking and sitting postures. Hip is the point where your pelvis bone connects with your thigh bone. This point is similar to socket and ball […]

The Risks of Taking Sleeping Pills

The Risks of Taking Sleeping Pills

Repetitively complaints about poor sleep or insomnia have gradually increased with smart phones technology and pace in lifestyle adding stress. Not only that, depression and heartbreaks are other common reasons for youth for sleepless nights. In case you are highly insomniac, your doctor may recommend you sleeping pills that can give your restful night and […]

Top 10 Vitamin D Rich Foods For Good Health

Top 10 Vitamin D Rich Foods For Good Health

Vitamin D has always been referred to as a nutrient that your body absorbs when you spend more time in the sun or outdoors. However, the modern day lifestyle is largely sedentary, particularly in the workplace and you hardly get time to spend outdoors unless your work demands you to be out of office. What […]

5 Reasons your Period Might Be Painful

5 Reasons your Period Might Be Painful

Do you curse yourself to be a girl? Is that because of the unbearable pain every month during your period? Here are 5 reasons that you should know why you suffer from the pain during periods. Every month a women’s body sheds the outer lining of the Womb, which is then passed through the cervix, […]

The Health Benefits Of Nuts

Although much has been said about eating nuts and whether you should avoid eating them or not, the truth is that nuts are a source of healthy fat and a source of nutrients. According to research and studies, one or two servings of nuts along with a balanced diet have shown that it can reduce […]

Top 10 Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice

Top 10 Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice

The Aloe Vera plant is truly a miracle plant. It has numerous healing properties that benefit the users. The leaves contain a gel-like substance which is the most useful part of the plant. It contains a high level of nutrients like vitamin A, B, B12, C and E. it also contains folic acid which is […]

10 High-Cholesterol Foods to Avoid

10 High-Cholesterol Foods to Avoid

Cholesterol…does the name scare you reminding you about the ailments that one of your relatives had due to having Cholesterol? Well, we all have cholesterol and it is nothing to get scared of the name. It is only the amount of cholesterol in your blood that matters. Like every other nutrient, cholesterol also plays a […]

Homemade Pregnancy Tests

Homemade Pregnancy Tests

Are you curious to know whether you have conceived or not but do not have the time to visit the doctor until you are pretty sure about it? This article on how to confirm pregnancy without tests will let you announce the good news of the baby bump if any. A woman’s body undergoes a […]

Healthy Smoothies Recipes For Weight Loss

Healthy Smoothies Recipes For Weight Loss

Most of us are always on the run. Due to our extremely busy lifestyle we end up getting zero exercise incorporated in our day. We also do not get the correct amount of nutrition required by our body. It is not always possible to prepare a whole meal due to the lack of time. Breakfast […]

Foods High in Magnesium

One of the most important minerals that play a huge role in the proper functioning of our body is magnesium. We often tend to pay very little attention to what we are consuming and what we should be consuming. It is important that we keep track of our regular food intakes and make sure that […]