What different can I do with whey protein powder apart from drinking it with milk and water? I am sure this question bothers you a lot. Today I am here with an answer to your question. I am going to share five recipes that you can make with the help of whey protein powder. Before […]
Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal
Summers are hot and the temperature is on a constant rise. The scorching heat, sweat, etc. is extremely frustrating and you do not feel like eating much. In spite of eating less, many of us don’t seem to fit into your old clothes. What could the reason be? The heat makes you thirsty and you […]
As per the recent statistics, 15% of India’s population suffer from kidney stone problems. However, 5% of them are not even aware that their pain is being caused by stones in one or both of their kidneys. Kidney stones usually pass through and are excreted along with urine, but sometimes they remain in the kidney […]
Does everything around you seem to be chaotic lately? Your family is annoying you; you cannot remember what work your boss gave you yesterday. You are not able to find your own Bluetooth device that you placed on your desk just some time ago No, you are not having any psychological problems. You are just […]
“When your life partner is keeping you happy in plenty other ways, it is very easy to convince yourself, that even if you are not satisfied in bed it is not a big deal”. But, I am here to tell you that, yes, it is a big deal! I write this relationship advice article today […]
Summer season always seems to be very exciting for kids as they wait for their schools to shut and prepare for family holidays. But, what about the scorching sun and soaring temperatures? Global warming has been making a huge impact on the climatic conditions; where temperatures are falling, or increasing to surprising measures in almost […]
Confused? So was I, when initially I started thinking about it. Technology is a boon, which as a gift you have received from science. Then how can it be a curse? Well my friend, when we eat a lot our stomach aches; similarly anything in excess is bad. Technology if used in the right manner […]
I am pretty sure; you would be waiting to ask me this question from so long. However, tell me, do you really think it is that easy to gain muscle? I would say it is easy if you follow the right technique and give appropriate time. Being a nutritionist, for me food is on top […]
We all have stress at all phases of our life cycle; however the quantum of stress varies. The point is whether you are 5 yr old or 50 year, each one of us is under heavy stress. But, tell me something by taking stress will your problem resolve? Obviously not. However, stress still comes to […]
Stomach acidity is a common complaint in every family. Recent statistics says that 70 percent of the population is suffering from the problem of acidity in stomach in India. But how many of us take this problem seriously? Acidity is a serious problem which has become a habit in every household. If I ask you, […]