The digestive system plays a prominent role in supplying all the required nutrients for the body and proper digestion process ensures good health. This is a complex system and also an extensive part of the body in stabilizing the health. It ranges all the way from the mouth to the rectum and also responsible for […]
Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal
Today, Most of the hair products contain high amounts of toxic ingredients which harm the healthy hair and have severe side-effects. Excessive usage of chemicals weaken the hair follicles and halts the hair growth. Here are some chemicals to avoid for hair as they are highly toxic, which are solely responsible for hair fall. People […]
While carbon dioxide is a metabolic waste product produced in our body, But plays an important role in the physiological process. We will now know how carbon dioxide is transported through the blood, how carbon dioxide is converted into a pH buffer and transportation of oxygen in the body. How Carbon Dioxide is important for […]
HIV/AIDS severely affect livelihoods of individuals, households, and even children are not even spared from this deadly disease. People infected are treated with low standards and the viability is questioned in several ways. This situation is difficult to deal, as the ability of individuals is undermined and households are required to feed and care for […]
Scientists are striving hard to find a cure for this deadly epidemic right from 1980’s, The technological advancements have been paving ways to fight against this pernicious disease. Since last 25 years, scientists around the world have been trying harder to find a permanent treatment for this disease. According to UN estimates, more than two […]
Well, when you look at the mirror, what exactly do you see? Do you witness your soft, blemish-free and glowing skin? Or do you see wrinkles and age spots? We tend to find ourselves aging and we get the first sign of aging from our skin. Some of us can recognize the name ‘collagen’ perhaps […]
Yoga is a low-impact exercise with a number of benefits including physical and mental states of the body. According to a recent study, It improves the cognitive functions of the brain and also helps to relieve from memory problems. Yoga balances the mental and emotional levels of the individual and also help the person to […]
‘Winter is coming’ this popular Game of Thrones phrase suits very well at present denoting the time for skin dryness. The heated room and the cold doors make way for our skin that is prone to dryness. In fact, nobody wants an itchy and dry skin. So far, you might have witnessed many commercial products […]
‘Being healthy’ – what does that mean to you? Perhaps there are only 2 answers found for this until now. First – Being healthy indicates that a person doesn’t have any illness Second – Being healthy means a person watches what he/she eats and follows regular exercise It actually makes sense to most of the […]
Calcium is on of the major mineral components of the human body. It helps in the formation of bones and teeth and helps in maintaining many other functions of the body. Consuming calcium-rich foods is essential for us as this helps to maintain a good health and chemical balance in the body. Recently it has […]