Ebola is considered as one of the most concerning epidemic diseases as it causes plenty of casualties in the year of 2014. This particular disease spread very widely during the year of 2014, and it has especially affected the different African countries. And those countries are like Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia and different western African […]
Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal
An Introduction: Zika is considered as one of the concerning diseases which are caused by a mosquito. It is a well- known fact that, mosquitos can cause some deadly diseases, and most of those diseases are causing death to thousands of people every year. Zika virus is carried by Aedes mosquitoes, and there are no […]
The human body consists of some very vital organs, and kidney is one of them. When water is the key source of life on earth, then the kidney is the key source to control the proper amount of water in the human body. So it is very necessary to maintain the proper condition of the […]
Still wondering what to prepare for dinner or lunch that help to curb breast cancer. Now the worries are all over. Include loads of these items to the diet- raspberries, mushrooms, broccoli and much more and make your delicious recipes. Few kinds of soup and main course if made carefully with anti- oxidant food materials would […]
Each individual has a different kind of body languages while they communicate via a verbal and non-verbal method. Every person is aware of verbal communication which is common. Apart from this people often try to communicate with their body language that proved to be fruitful enough. Sometimes you can find people who do not say […]
You can suffer from infectious diseases anytime due to the different infectious microbes. Bacteria and virus do enter your body all of a sudden. Infectious diseases spread from one person to another within a very short time. You can take precaution in advance by which you save yourself from the attack of virus, bacteria. To […]
In recent days, many people are suffering from the deadly brain cancer. All of you know that the brain cancer leads the patient to death. It is too much pathetic that many children are facing the same problem. If you want to lower the risk of the brain cancer, you should avoid some habits which […]
Ebola Virus is one of the deadliest viruses known to man, with no proven medication & no vaccines till date; the disease has a 25% to 90% mortality rate among humans. Largely native to Central Africa & Sahara, the latest outbreak of the EVD (Ebola Virus Disease) in The Republic of Congo since March 2014 […]
Breast cancer has become the most common type of disease with full of myths and truths due to the lack of consciousness among the people. That’s why there is some misconception associated with the breast cancer. Therefore you must go for the mammogram screening for any kind of symptom to be sure about the true […]
In recent times Breast cancer is known to be a most leading matter of concern with the women. And the issue is gradually increasing among them due to their lifestyle. Throughout the world breast cancer has become the second most common sort of cancer and the fifth common cause of death. It is proved that […]