Category Archives: Sports Nutriton

10 Symptoms Of Zika Virus To Notice When Affected?

10 Symptoms Of Zika Virus To Notice When Affected?

Zika is a mosquito-borne disease that has gained much attention all across the world because of its effects and health disorders. The Zika virus is spread by the Aedes species of mosquitoes that is also commonly known to spread dengue and Chikungunya as well. These mosquitoes are generally more active during the daytime, even though […]

Is Magnesium Deficiency The Major Cause Of Muscle Spasms

Is Magnesium Deficiency The Major Cause Of Muscle Spasms

If you want to maintain good health, then it is really important that you maintain a proper diet plan. And a proper diet plan means a proper combination of different minerals, vitamins, protein, etc. And at the same time, you have to maintain a proper balance of sodium and magnesium in your body. And when […]

How To Prevent And Get Rid Of Zika Outbreak This Winter?

How To Prevent And Get Rid Of Zika Outbreak This Winter?

An Introduction: Zika is considered as one of the concerning diseases which are caused by a mosquito. It is a well- known fact that, mosquitos can cause some deadly diseases, and most of those diseases are causing death to thousands of people every year. Zika virus is carried by Aedes mosquitoes, and there are no […]

A Cup of Coffee A Day! Keeps These Diseases Away

“A cup of coffee keeps your doctor away” –this is really true to its words. Coffee is very healthy. Coffee is rich in antioxidants and several nutrients. Those who drink coffee regularly have the lower risk of different types of dangerous diseases. Consuming coffee daily is a good habit. It helps to reduce the several […]

10 Ways to Increase Calcium Which You Must Follow

Calcium is essential for a healthy life and perfect growth and well-being.  It is one of the components that are essential for human beings.  We cannot brush aside its importance. For the proper functioning of the nerve, it is essential. It helps for the wellness of the muscle and also an essential component of the […]

Increased Dietary Calcium – A Better Way Of Preventing Kidney Stones

Increased Dietary Calcium – A Better Way Of Preventing Kidney Stones

Calcium is the most important element of the human body. When you have the proper calcium in your body, it helps to form teeth and bones. Your body tissue and blood also contain calcium which is required for your body. You must eat calcium enriched foods if you don’t want to face any major health […]

Low Purine Diet and Reciepe Along with Thier Benefits

Low Purine Diet and Reciepe Along with Thier Benefits

When you want to stay healthy, you need to follow a proper diet plan which will help you to stay healthy. When you want to eat low purine diet, that means you are eating those foods which contain less purine substance. Purines are a natural substance which is found in some of the foods. If […]

Do You Love Coffee? Here Are 3 Simple And Delicious Coffee Recipes for You

Do You Love Coffee? Here Are 3 Simple And Delicious Coffee Recipes for You

Many of you love coffee. You will be surprised enough when you come to know about various recipes made from coffee. You can prepare many delicious dishes with coffee. You are well-known that coffee is not just tasty rather it has many health benefits. Those who take coffee daily have the lower risk of many […]

How Oatmeal Recipe Can Make Wonders In Gaining Weight

Busy lifestyle has forced people to think immensely about their health. From the morning till the night you perform various activities and some serious works also. But to perform all these physical and mental activities you need to consume food properly. Every person needs a specific amount of food regularly. And the deficit of that […]

3 High Carb Recipes That You Certainly Should Try At Home

Do you love cooking? Is it your favorite pastime? If yes, then why not try with high carb recipes! Food rich in carbohydrate is a great source of instant energy. It helps to make us energetic for a long time as well as don’t make us hungry. By the availability of the ingredients, you can […]