Double chin meaning, Wearing a high neck top or wrapping scarf isn’t going to save you from that double chin. There’s no denying that those extra layers of fatty tissues below your chin are just plain embarrassing. It is mostly caused by being overweight. Other causes are sagging skin due to aging and loss of […]
Category Archives: Weight Management
Vitamin D straight away comes from the sun and it is produced in our body with the help of the skin that is exposed to sun. You can find vitamin D in many food items and it helps in strengthening the bones. With age, the vitamin d deficiency is very common concept because many men […]
Not only a tasty food, but coconut oil can be termed as a “super food” also for the number of health benefits it provides us. Cooking food with coconut oil brings an awesome aroma in the food that is really mouth-watering. But, coconut oil is not just an ingredient in cooking sumptuous foods but also […]
Obesity, a nightmare in today’s life. There is no particular age of people suffering from obesity. The reason of obesity is bad lifestyle and bad food habits. Even, you try to control these two things, you cannot control completely. But, you can reduce the amount of fast food, slowly shift to healthy diet and practice […]
Do you have a high metabolism rate? No matter what you eat, you are still unable to put on weight? If the answers to all these questions are in the affirmative then you need to change what you are eating and exercise as well so that you gain the desired weight. Today we will be […]
Garlic is a useful herb that you can find in our kitchen. It is a regular item that add flavor and taste to our recipes. Dishes cooked with garlic paste adds a slurp taste. But, do you know it also has medicinal values? Yes, garlic and oil made from garlic have antiviral, antibacterial properties. Allicin […]
One of the hardest things to achieve while working on a weight management program is to lose that tummy fat. Tummy fat is one of the most persistent of fats in the body, and it can be fairly difficult to lose it, with mere diet. Skipping out on a bowl of your favorite pasta or […]
We keep complaining about things like getting pimples and having digestive issues. It is because of our unhealthy lifestyle that these things occur. We seriously complicate things when it comes to our health. There is a secret to a healthy lifestyle, a secret that does not come at a cost nor is time-consuming. The secret […]
Many of you won’t like, but Karela is my favorite vegetable. The preparation with Karela attracts me the most. Whether it is just a fry recipe or Bengali (Sukto recipe) or Stuffed karela, I love every recipe. My taste bud actually loves the little bitterness of the vegetable that mix with the other spices and […]
Ayurveda, a holistic treatment that was famous since the days of yogis. It has a great significant in our life. Medicines from different useful plants, roots and barks are very useful to cure the chronic pain and illness. Today, science and Ayurvedic treatment join hands and they bring out different supplements that are made of […]