Category Archives: Weight Management

Weight Loss Tips From Around The World

When did eating become such an all-or-nothing proposition? It seems that many of us are either gorging on massive portions of unhealthy, highly processed foods and getting fatter all the time or starving ourselves on the latest hyper-restrictive diet that no one could stay on for more than a few weeks without feeling miserable and […]

Cheat Your Way to a Slimmer Figure : Slimming Gels!

Women all over the world dream of a slim beautiful figure. Many corporate houses and gymnasiums operate on profits due to this insecurity of women who want to lose weight quickly. Today, appearance matters a lot and weight loss has become a fad which is fuelled by looking good instead of being a way to […]

5 Healthy Indian Soup Recipes For Weight Loss


In our eat-and-run, massive-portion-sized culture, maintaining a healthy weight can be extremely tough—and losing weight, even tougher. Your weight is a balancing act, but the equation is very simple: If one eats more calories than one burn, one gains weight. And if one eats fewer calories than one burn, one loses weight. When you feel […]

Top 7 Health Benefits Of Chitosan


Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide mainly composed of randomly distributed β-(1-4)-linked D-glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (acetylated unit). It a sugar that is usually obtained from the hard, rough outer skeleton of shellfish, including lobster, crab and shrimp. The chitosan benefits are widely used for medicines. Chitosan is a chemically processed form of the chitin. […]

Top 12 Dangerous Effects of Being Obese

Obesity is a condition that is mainly associated with having an excess of the body fat, defined by environmental and genetic factors that are difficult to control when dieting. Obesity is usually classified as having a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or greater. BMI is a tool widely used to measure obesity. Obesity enhances […]

Top 8 Reasons to Include High Carb Foods In Your Healthy Diet

carbs foods

Carb is short for carbohydrate. Carbohydrates belong to the group of micronutrients. They are described as a huge group of organic compounds found in living tissues, foods, sugar, cellulose and starch. The most important function of carbohydrate is to supply enormous energy for the body. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose with the help of […]

Top 8 Pilates Home Exercise for Abs, Back and Legs Toning


All of us aspire to have the perfect body with toned abs and sculpted back and legs but achieving this dream required a lot of hard work and discipline in reality. The most functioning way to lose weight and have a great body is to combine a healthy weight loss diet and regular workout. Workout […]

Best 5 Healthy Breakfast Recipes That Promote Weight Loss

Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss

The proverb, ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper’ is often quoted by many. However, it is often discarded to be an old wives tale. With hectic schedules each morning, breakfast usually tends to fall low on our priority list. To resolve this, we bring you quick and […]

10 Best Workouts for Toning Arms and Reducing Flabbiness

Workouts for Toning Arms and Reducing Flabbiness

Arms muscles are used by every individual day in and day out. Everyday chores like moving groceries, cleaning vessels, raking the leaves etc., all of these activities are done with the help of arms. This obviously signifies why it is important to include toning exercises for arms in your daily regime of workouts for weight […]

Top 10 Fat Burning Fruits that help in Weight Loss

Fat Burning Fruits

The present hectic lifestyle along with over-dependence on processed and junk foods that are rich in carbs, salt, and refined sugar is taking a toll on our health. Obesity has emerged as a global epidemic that is leading to various other health conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, and osteoarthritis. The most […]