Your body weight is the total of the calorie that you take in, and the amount that you burn. The logic is something like this. You become overweight if you burn out fewer calories than what you take in. To get back to the shape, and be in line with the proper body mass index, you have to exercise and build up a deficit in calorie. The question is how do you build up this deficit? There are two ways to go about this task. First, you have to eat in reduced quantity so that the calorie intake is lessened. Secondly, you have to burn out calories by exercising and indulging in various physical activities.
You should motivate yourself
You desire to shed off those excess kilos. For that, motivation is necessary. With motivation, you can develop your focus, and set yourself a practicable target. For instance, you can fix up a plan that tells you to lose around five kg over the next five to seven weeks. See, if you realize this objective, and then, you can set a new target.
Change in the lifestyle is a must
For achieving your target, you should bring a radical change in your lifestyle, and that includes what you are eating, relishing and drinking, your meal patterns and the kind of exercises or the physical activities that you indulge in. For instance, if you are prone to drinking; then, it is the time that you say no to fizzy drinks and alcoholic beverages because they are rich in calorie.
Optimize your meals properly
Yes, the focus should be on having a balanced diet that is fiber rich. Cut down on the consumption of refined grains and carbohydrates. Instead, change over to complex carbohydrates and whole grains because the latter is calorie optimizing. They keep you full and satiated over a long period of time.
In this way, they reduce your craving. Ensure that at least seven to nine portions of your diet consist of lentils, fruits, sprouts, and vegetables. Snack on sprouts or fruits instead of the deep fried stuff.
Use options that are low in fat
You can use low-fat yogurt. Similarly, you can make use of the skimmed milk, instead of the fat enhancing whole milk. Stay away from red meat, butter, cheese, and milk rich in cream. Replace these options with brown rice, bran, lentils, peas, beans and berries. Opt for lean meat and calorie optimizing poultry product such as chicken.
Change your style of cooking
As said in the introduction, the focus should be on minimizing the intake of calorie. Do remember that one pound of fat consists of as many as three, thousand and five hundred calories. So, if you can reduce round about five hundred calories, on a daily basis, then, you can lose one pound weight, every week. For this, you have to change the style of cooking. Instead, of deep frying or shallow frying, concentrate on air-frying, grilling, steaming and baking. Even if you choose to fry, opt for shallow frying, and use olive oil or sunflower oil as the medium of cooking.
Some more tips
Don’t skip your breakfast. Eat, at regular intervals as that will prevent you from impulsive eating. The focus should be on curbing hunger. So make sure that you have balanced nutritious meal. Choose items such as soups and smoothies that keep you nice and feel over a long span of time.
Note on exercising
Experts suggest that every adult should exercise daily for half an hour. Physical activity of moderate intensity should be carried out, on a weekly basis. But if you happen to be obese; then, you should exercise intensely, at least for one hour to ninety minutes during the course of a week. To stabilize weight and achieve the right body mass index, include brisk walking, swimming, playing tennis or badminton in your daily regimen.
So, The above mentioned ways are the best practices to loose weight, Apart from weight loss they increase your self-reliance and promotes your mood. The above article reveals the open secret that consuming healthy food and regular exercise prevents you from attaining fat in your body and keeps you slim and stunning. Changing your lifestyle basically, prepares for the future challenges and motivates you to strive for healthy and happy life.