Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Never Feel Blue with Simple Counselling for Depression

counselling for depression

Do you constantly get depressed or feel frustrated without any apparent reason? Do you often get the feeling that you cannot be happy and feel frustrated? Do not worry; there are many others like you who feel the same way. Every other person feels sad or depressed sometime or the other but these feelings usually […]

The Ultimate Diet Chart For Weight Gain

diet chart for weight gain

When it comes to weight issues, people generally think only about overweight or obesity but that is not the only weight related problem. Underweight or skinniness is also a serious problem and is equally harmful as obesity. Earlier back in the initial days of my practice as a nutritionist, a client approached me and complained […]

Easy Balanced Diet Chart For Good Food Habits And A Healthy Life

healthy living

We all want to have a healthy food habit, but what makes a food habit healthy? Isn’t it confusing to determine whether we have a healthy food habit and follow a daily diet chart? Today I will be giving you a balanced diet chart which can surely assure you a healthy food habit. Being a […]

What Is The Best Diet For A Diabetic To Go On?

diet for diabetes

In India diabetes is not an unknown term these days, the frequency of diabetes is rising at an alarming rate. A metabolic state wherein the blood sugar levels rise above the average count is one of the easier explanations for diabetes. However, there is the number of other implications and effects of this disease one […]

Whey Protein: One Solution for Weight Gain and Weight Loss

protein powder for weight gain

“I am 10 kg underweight. How do I gain weight?” “I want to have a muscular body, what should I do?” “My goal is to lose 20 kg weight in 6 months. Is there anyway?” These are a few health queries that I almost every day. You’ll be surprised to know that I suggest one […]