Search Results for: nutrient rich foods

Top 8 Benefits Of Protein In Daily Diet

The body’s main building block for bone, muscle, hair, skin, and several other tissues is protein. Over 12000 different proteins are found and needed in the body for maintaining life. In fact, after the water has been excluded 75 percent of the body weight consists of protein. Protein is considered a macronutrient that means that […]

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Eating Carbohydrates


Carbohydrates belong to the group of micronutrients. Carbohydrates foods provide the human body with the energy it needs and is an outstanding source of many minerals and vitamins. They are found in foods like vegetables, fruits, pasta, breads, and dairy products. The body uses these foods to make glucose that is the body’s main energy […]

Top 8 Natural Home Remedies For Ovarian Cysts

Home Remedies For Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts have become a widespread health problem that has emerges as a leading cause of infertility among women. The ovary is described as a reproductive gland in which the female reproductive cells are produced. The ovaries produce eggs or ova. Women have 2 ovaries beside the uterus on each side of the lower abdomen. […]

9 Best Health Benefits of Vitamin B12

Health Benefits of Vitamin B12

Vitamins are a group of materials that are important for normal cell function, growth, and development. They play important roles in bodily functions like immunity, metabolism, and digestion. Vitamin B12 is the most popular among all the essential B vitamins. Vitamin B12 is one of the major water-soluble vitamins that help keep the body’s blood […]

Top 7 Remedies to Treat Post Menopausal Health Disorders

Menopause is defined as a particular point in time when menstrual cycles permanently stop due to the natural depletion process of ovarian oocytes due to aging.  It is a natural condition that normally occurs in women of age 45-50 years and the body goes through several changes that no longer allow a woman to get […]

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure1

Located in the abdominal cavity on each side of the spine, the kidneys are one of the most important regulatory organs that help in maintaining the level of electrolytes and acid–base balance in the body and also operate as a filter for removal of impurities, waste products, excess fluid and salt from the body. The […]

8 Ways of Improving Mental Wellbeing in Older People

Mental Wellbeing in Older People

Growing old is a natural process that brings about physiological and emotional changes in the individual but it does not mean that it has to be miserable and marked with diminishing mental abilities. In reality, the diseases that we call age-related – like memory loss and forgetfulness are rather lifestyle related that can be prevented […]

Top 8 Health And Beauty Benefits Of Yogurt


Yogurt is an extremely popular dairy product made through fermentation of milk. It has been produced through centuries as a food product. It is made through bacterial fermentation of cow’s milk, and traditional yogurt is prepared by adding two bacteria cultures to milk, namely – Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. It is the richest natural […]

10 Tips To Develop Healthy Eating Habits And Stick To It

Healthy eating habits are not about being sickly thin, starving yourself and abstaining from all your favorite foods. It is about living a disease-free and healthy life and having a fit body. Cutting out bad food habits and incorporating certain good ones can go a long way in promoting weight loss and improving overall health. […]