Search Results for: nutrient rich foods

Healthy Body, Wealthy Heart!

Heart disease or technically better known as cardiovascular disease is more or less affecting every other person living around us. A major part of the 21st-century human population is plagued by the heart ailment. Heart disease or cardiovascular disease causes most human deaths around the globe. Such an infestation of the disease is due to […]

Mine Minerals Into Your Body For The Greatest Health Related Results

Minerals for the Overall Development of Human Body The human body needs to perform certain crucial bodily functions for the normal development and also to maintain it properly. The very term ‘mineral‘ suggests elements present in simple inorganic forms. In the discussion of nutrition, minerals are usually referred to as inorganic nutrients or even mineral […]

Top 5 Benefits Of Natural Vitamin E Wheat Germ Oil Supplement, 500mg (60 Capsules)

Wheat Germ is the best source of Vitamin E. One of the best vitamins known to man, Vitamin E is good for your eyes, skin, hair, heart – in short for the entire you! In addition to incorporating wheat germ as part of your diet, you can also opt for Natural Vitamin E Wheat Germ […]

How to Win the Battle Against an Unfit Lifestyle: Wheat Germ!

When you think of breakfast the first thing to cross your mind every day is Cereals. Yes! Almost 90% of the world’s population has cereals as a staple food for breakfast every day. And why not? They are a healthy source of proteins and other nutrients, right? Let’s not be too sure about that. Cereals […]

The Various Advantages of Consuming Probiotics

When we hear the term ‘Bacteria’, we instantly turn up our noses, thinking of ways to either get rid of it or avoid contact. Since they have an infamous reputation of causing diseases, if we told you that bacteria do in fact, help build immunity, you may laugh in our faces. Well, it’s true! Research […]

Bottled Health : Multivitamin and Minerals Tablets

Multivitamin and minerals tablets are supplements that provide the human body with the required amount of vitamins and minerals which it may not be getting from the daily diet. In today’s world of mass-produced and processed food, eating right and healthy has become a struggle for almost all of us. Gone are those days when […]

What to Eat When Expecting – Importance of Iron and Folate in One’s Diet!

Have you just found out that you are expecting a baby? It is a well-known myth that pregnant ladies should eat for two lives. Though people do not take it in the literal sense, this is the biggest truth that has been carrying on for generations and generations. Though a pregnant female should not overeat, […]

7 Essential Minerals And Their Natural Food Sources


Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients the body needs in small amounts to work properly. Human body needs various minerals; these are called 7 major minerals. Essential minerals are mainly divided up into trace minerals (microminerals) and major minerals (macro minerals). These two groups of minerals are equally important, but major minerals are needed in […]