Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Imbibe these lifestyle changes for better productivity.

Is stress being a part of your life and hampering your productivity since years, Then it’s time to break the rules and come out of the herd. Yes, the productivity suffers from due to various reasons like illness, burnout, fatigue and has got thousands of names.  This, in turn, affect the quality of work and […]

Green Tea can boost your memory – Myth or magic?

For many of us, there is no perfect day without a warm cup of tea! The aroma and the morning freshness we get after drinking tea, out of the world! Why don’t you trade some green tea instead of your milk tea or black tea? We already have a good knowledge of how green tea […]

Junk food promotes laziness – How?

Junk food promotes laziness - How?

It’s sort of which comes first – chicken or egg. Have you ever felt like a sloth after eating an entire large pack of fries or chips? Have you ever wondered why? Have you ever felt like they are rewiring your brain? Still, there is a doubt that we have to clarify, eating junk food […]

How does smoking affect your cardiac health

‘Smoking causes cancer, smoking kills’ – You probably might have noticed this saying so many times.  So it’s pretty sure that you might know that smoking is bad, it also causes breathing problems along with cancer. But do you have any idea that smoking also makes you more likely to have a terrible issue – […]

What are the factors responsible for Chronic inflammtion in women

What are the factors responsible for Chronic inflammtion in women

Inflammation is thought to be the root of the diseases. No… It’s not. This is because almost all the ailments stem from inflammation. What do you think when you hear the word inflammation? The first thing that comes to your mind is probably a swollen knee or a puffed pimple on your face. These are […]

Sleep Loss Might Have Severe Effects And Risky For The Healthy Heart.

Sleep loss might have severe effects and risky for the healthy heart.

Are the culprits like insomnia and sleep apnea causing you less sleep? If so, that may affect your health, especially your heart! There are so many factors such as a sentence in useless void and time-wasting – sleep is the proud owner of so many criticisms. The fact is you need sleep as much as […]

Know About The Medicinal Uses Of Turmeric Herb

Medicinal uses of turmeric

Never mind you if you have stained your beautiful clothes with turmeric, but ensure that you are including this herb in your food. Turmeric is one of the oldest spice as well as a wonderful herb used among Indians and Chinese. Turmeric, a bright yellow color powder belongs to the ginger family. It is the […]

5 Ways Food Affects Your Mood

5 Ways Food Affects Your Mood

If you were to choose between heaps of gold and a lifetime supply of invitations from the best restaurants in the world to taste their world famous recipes what would you have gone for..? I bet most of us would have chosen food at least, not the greedy ones or the very greedy ones. We […]