Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

How To Stop Hair Loss Before It Begins

Hair loss happens to the most of us, though we are very careful about our hair. In that case, stop worrying about hair loss and begin some precautionary measures to control the dangerous hair fall, As we believe in Prevention is better than cure. We will be discussing ways to thwart the hair fall and […]

Riboflavin, and its role in red blood cell creation.

Riboflavin plays a vital role in the formation of blood cells and also maintains healthy blood cell ratio in the body. We are all aware of the necessity of B vitamins in our body and Vitamin B2 is termed as Riboflavin  which boosts our energy levels, promotes healthy metabolism, the growth of cells and also […]

Health benefits of horsetail leaves you never knew.

Horsetail plant belongs to Equisetaceae family, which is the sole survivor of this family dated back to  three hundred million years. This plants were as tall as palm trees during the prehistoric times, which gave rise to coal deposits. Various  cultures have  been these leaves as a natural remedy for kidney and bladder infections,  arthritis […]

Stay healthy with the help of Classical Hata Yoga

Stay healthy with the help of Classical Hata Yoga

The history of Hatha Yoga dates back to ancient times of Buddhic era, the word Hatha means forceful in Sanskrit. This is a very broad term which includes all the physical practices of yoga ranging from  Iyengar to Ashtanga. Different contemporaries of physical yoga gained popularity in these days can be accurately described as  hatha […]

Aerobics – More Of Fun With Fitness


Aerobic exercise is a special type of physical activity which makes you sweat and causes you to breathe harder which increases the consumption of oxygen. these exercises are rhythmic in nature and can be done continuously for at least 10 minutes. The intensity of Aerobic exercises range from light to moderate and can be adjusted […]

Do supplements help you in building the body?

It is an open secret that professional athletes and some bodybuilders use supplements like proteins, vitamin tablets, Fish oil, creatine as part of their training schedule. Many prefer protein as part of their diet as its promotes muscle mass when linked with regular exercise. Usually, Supplements are consumed in the form of pills or a […]

Water aerobics – really helps you in losing weight.

If you got bored of going to gym or performing yoga for a long time If you feel these monotonous exercises are driving away your excitement. Then it’s time to try this brand new “Water aerobics” which makes the strenuous exercises joyful and in turn relieve you from stress and provides extra motivation for your […]

What Is Bilateral Renal Calculi And Its Implications On Kidney Health

Kidney stones are described as renal calculus in medical language and they appear in the form of small hard deposits made up of minerals and uric acid salts. Though these form in the kidneys, they can be transported to the urinary tract including kidneys, ureters, bladder, and also urethra. This is a common problem found […]

5 steps for the perfect Mental well being and work-life Balance.

With the ubiquity of smart devices, we need to show up at work for a whole day to finish our assigned tasks and the result is, We find  difficulty  in  maintaining  the balance between personal and professional lives. Though we excel at career by working hard professionally, but when links to your personal life it […]

Apps to induce calmness and improve peace of mind

If you think this  world as  a stressful place to probably you are not alone. Constantly, feeling anxious and frustrated about yourself will drain all the energy and makes you feel like losing control of your life. These difficult situations often lead to stress and make you indecisive. As, problems are a part and parcel […]