Category Archives: Superfoods

What Are The Health Benefits Of Cocoa?


Before getting to know about cocoa benefits, it helps one to see the genesis of this fruit. The cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao, arose from Central and South America, where it was farmed and the seeds of this fruit were eaten by the people of Mayan civilization as early as 600 B.C. Complex chemistry is involved […]

What Is L- Arginine And It’s Food Sources – Vegetarian & Non-Vegetarian?


L- Arginine is one of many amino acids the body requires to function correctly. Like other amino acids, l arginine plays an important role in building protein. The body can utilize the protein to help build muscle and repair tissue. As a result, latest researchers have investigated the effectiveness of L- Arginine in the treatment of […]

How To Make Your Own Homemade Shakes To Gain Weight?


Are you having trouble in gaining weight ? I am sure you must be tired of eating those same regular food as to gain weight you should be consuming more than 2000 kcal per day and which is very difficult to achieve. The best way to achieve such huge amount of calories and that also […]

What Are The Benefits Of Mass Gainer?


“There are many famous bodybuilding supplements that people look forward to include in their regular dietary intake. Mass Gainer is one of them”. In the fast paced life that we live in today, most of us have little to no time for taking care of our nutritional needs. The result is that overweight people are […]

Is It Good To Eat The Skin Of A Mango?


The mango is a delicious fruit which is readily savored by many all over the world. The mango skin, on the other side, is very well scraped sans any second thought. This may be embarrassing to see especially since mango peels offer a fabulous array of nutrients and health benefits to anyone who chomps down […]

What Ashwagandha Does For Your Health?


With its exotic name and a reputation for overall health especially boosting libido and increasing longevity, no wonder that Ashwagandha has captured the attention of the Indian public. One of the best research in the early 2000s recommends that ashwagandha, sometimes called Indian ginseng, may be beneficial in treating cancer, boosting the immune system and […]

What Seeds And Nuts Are Good For Weight Loss?


We all know that we should eat a lot of fruits and veggies, and many of us also should know the importance of eating whole grains for optimal health. Still struggling to keep up with the fact that you are overweight? Work out is not ‘working out’ for you. Then it’s time to pause and […]

What Does Mayonnaise Do To Your Body?

Many people perceive Mayonnaise as the “bad” food laden with artery-clogging saturated fat. For many years we were told to “hold the mayo,” but is it really as bad a food choice as it is supposed to? There’s no iota of doubt that mayo is brimming with fat. Just if one cup of mayo is […]

What Are The Types Of L-Carnitine & Its Food Sources?

Do you want to get rid of your health issues quickly?  If yes, then L-carnitine is the best, quickest and safest answer and remedy for you. L-carnitine has been acquiring the attention of individuals trying to good health. In fact, you will see amazing reviews if you do some research regarding this wonderful health supplement. […]

What Does Eating Broccoli Do For Your Body?

When it comes to ample-tasting nutrition, broccoli is an all-star food that bestows many all-important health benefits even when consumed in moderation. In addition to being rich in fibre, broccoli is very much full of essential vitamins and minerals. And to top it all, the real blessing comes for people who consume broccoli in the […]