Search Results for: nutrient rich foods

Diet and Kidney transplantation – A guide to follow

Diet and Kidney transplantation - A guide to follow

If you have undergone a new organ transplant, you might be wondering this – will my diet differ from the one that I followed before the transplant? The answer is YES! You certainly need a change of diet. If you are in a doubt what to eat and what not, better get help in planning […]

You can now treat Chikungunya naturally with the help of these home remedies

You can now treat Chikungunya naturally with the help of these home remedies

Chikungunya is a viral disease that is typically caused by the bite of a mosquito called Aedes. The name had originated from a verb in the Kimakonde language that basically means ‘to become contorted.’ This virus is said to exist only in tropical regions. But it has been reported recently that Chikungunya has infected many […]

High fiber-diet and gut bacteria – Have we missed something?

High fiber-diet and gut bacteria - Have we missed something?

What do we know about them? Do you have any idea that we are only 10 percent human and 90 % of our cells are nonhuman as well as microbial cells? This is because our diet influences our microbes. Yes… It is true. We are what we eat. But the good news is that we […]

Imbibe these lifestyle changes for better productivity.

Is stress being a part of your life and hampering your productivity since years, Then it’s time to break the rules and come out of the herd. Yes, the productivity suffers from due to various reasons like illness, burnout, fatigue and has got thousands of names.  This, in turn, affect the quality of work and […]

Junk food promotes laziness – How?

Junk food promotes laziness - How?

It’s sort of which comes first – chicken or egg. Have you ever felt like a sloth after eating an entire large pack of fries or chips? Have you ever wondered why? Have you ever felt like they are rewiring your brain? Still, there is a doubt that we have to clarify, eating junk food […]

5 Ways Food Affects Your Mood

5 Ways Food Affects Your Mood

If you were to choose between heaps of gold and a lifetime supply of invitations from the best restaurants in the world to taste their world famous recipes what would you have gone for..? I bet most of us would have chosen food at least, not the greedy ones or the very greedy ones. We […]

How young people who have AIDS can do to improve their livelihood?

HIV/AIDS severely affect livelihoods of individuals, households, and even children are not even spared from this deadly disease. People infected are treated with low standards and the viability is questioned in several ways. This situation is difficult to deal, as  the ability of individuals is undermined  and households are required to feed and care for […]

Top 5 Antioxidant Supplements You Can Use To Have A Healthy Life

A Healthy Liver

Antioxidant – the name itself says many things to you. You are very much diverted by the word, but the reality is something that is quite different. Antioxidants not only can protect you from regular stressful life, but from different harmful diseases too. If you take the antioxidant supplements on a regular basis, you can […]

Top 5 Callisthenic Exercises To Tone Up Your Body

Top 5 calisthenic execises to tone up your body

Modern individuals cannot even think of their life without technology, one is now completely dependent on technology. An individual is now spending their time approx eight to nine hours per day with computer or laptop only. This callisthenic technology helps one to come out from this chaotic life, and keep individuals fit and fine. Each […]

A Nutritious And Tasty Diet Plan To Follow For Mommies During Second Trimester

The phase of pregnancy is the most important phase of a woman’s life. It may as well be a bit painful for her to pass these days. a mother goes through not only some physical changes but also some emotional changes during this span of time. It also becomes important for her to keep healthy. […]