Tag Archives: Types of psoriasis

Symptoms, Causes And Treatment For Scalp Psoriasis

The Symptoms, Causes And Treatment For Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is a common skin disease that results in raised, reddish, and often scaly patches. It can pop up either as a single patch or several patches, and can even impact your entire scalp. Further, it can spread to your forehead, the back of your neck, or even behind and inside your ears. Scalp […]

Psoriasis And Mental Health

Psoriasis and Mental Health

Psoriasis is known as a chronic autoimmune condition which causes an accelerated buildup of skin cells at some joint regions. As a result of this buildup of cells, scaling on the skin’s surface occurs. The most reasonably common symptoms are inflammation and redness around the scales. Regular psoriatic scales are usually whitish-silver and grow in […]

Types of Psoriasis and its triggers and symptoms

Types of Psoriasis and its triggers and symptoms.

Psoriasis is a noncontagious skin disease where thick plaques are formed and responsible for skin scaling. Due to excess proliferation of skin cells, scales are formed on the skin which is caused by inflammatory chemicals produced by white blood cells in the human body. Skin of elbows, knees and some regions on the scalp are […]