Category Archives: Lifestyle

How to balance hormones naturally?

Hormones are some biochemical compounds present in the human body which are responsible for bodily functions which are created in endocrine glands. It can simple human needs like Hunger to other complex systems like reproduction and even responsible to balance hormones and to regulate the emotions. Patients can control their health by understanding their functions in […]

A Regular Exercise Schedule To Slow Down Your Aging Process.

A regular exercise schedule to slow down your aging process.

We all know that regular exercise improves both mental and physical attributes of the human body and a proper balance can be achieved in our lives. The new benefit that attracts everyone is the anti-aging effect. exercise has a plenty of benefits as it increases strength and endurance limit, improves flexibility and lowers blood pressure […]

How Can One Completely Get Rid Of Alcohol Dependence?

It is impossible! That is what the first ever response most of us hear. Even in these days of high awareness, not knowing about alcohol addiction can badly harm you in both ways, physically and mentally. So, have you ever thought, what is that thing that stops you from breaking your addiction? It’s been said […]

The signs and symptoms of rage disorder

The signs and symptoms of rage disorder

Rage disorder is also called as “intermittent explosive disorder” which results in sudden anger which is uncontrollable.People suffering from rage disorder suddenly explode into acrimony without any reason. Individuals suffering from this have described that they tend to lose control on emotions and behave angrily. Patients suffering from extreme cases may actually harm objects, animals, […]

Imbibe these lifestyle changes for better productivity.

Is stress being a part of your life and hampering your productivity since years, Then it’s time to break the rules and come out of the herd. Yes, the productivity suffers from due to various reasons like illness, burnout, fatigue and has got thousands of names.  This, in turn, affect the quality of work and […]

Sleep Loss Might Have Severe Effects And Risky For The Healthy Heart.

Sleep loss might have severe effects and risky for the healthy heart.

Are the culprits like insomnia and sleep apnea causing you less sleep? If so, that may affect your health, especially your heart! There are so many factors such as a sentence in useless void and time-wasting – sleep is the proud owner of so many criticisms. The fact is you need sleep as much as […]

5 Ways Food Affects Your Mood

5 Ways Food Affects Your Mood

If you were to choose between heaps of gold and a lifetime supply of invitations from the best restaurants in the world to taste their world famous recipes what would you have gone for..? I bet most of us would have chosen food at least, not the greedy ones or the very greedy ones. We […]

What has science done so far to cure AIDS

Scientists are striving hard to find a cure for this deadly epidemic right from 1980’s, The technological advancements have been paving ways to fight against this pernicious disease. Since last 25 years, scientists around the world have been trying harder to find a permanent treatment for this disease. According to UN estimates, more than two […]

5 Dimensions of wellness

5 Dimensions of wellness

‘Being healthy’ – what does that mean to you? Perhaps there are only 2 answers found for this until now. First – Being healthy indicates that a person doesn’t have any illness Second – Being healthy means a person watches what he/she eats and follows regular exercise It actually makes sense to most of the […]

Aerobics – More Of Fun With Fitness


Aerobic exercise is a special type of physical activity which makes you sweat and causes you to breathe harder which increases the consumption of oxygen. these exercises are rhythmic in nature and can be done continuously for at least 10 minutes. The intensity of Aerobic exercises range from light to moderate and can be adjusted […]