Category Archives: Diet & Nutrition

What Are The Top Five Nutrients for Healthy Hair?

nutrients for healthy hair

In this fast paced modern lifestyle, you have many luxuries and pleasures to enjoy, many necessities to satisfy and of course nevertheless many things to worry about. While health is a major issue which people are dealing with, beauty is the second major thing which most people are concerned about. Earlier it was mostly a […]

Probiotics During Pregnancy Can Reduce Risk Of Allergies In Babies

probiotics pregnancy

With the increasing civilizations and industrialization, nations have also become cleaner, which led to decreased exposure to microbes and thereby infections. Of course, it’s a good thing, but thinking from a biological point of view, less exposure to microbes during early years of life in a way can affect one’s immunity. Do you agree? Significance […]

Help Your Vision As You Age With Vitamin B12 And Folic Acid

vision problems

We all love our dear parents, grandparents and other elders of our family. When we see them suffer from various health problems as they move towards old age, we have that instant urge to find out solutions and help them in every possible way to relieve them of their discomforts. How many such age-related problems […]

Causes of Stress And Its Management With Nutrition

Stress is one of the major hazards people are facing presently. It has also become the cause for many different diseases which is lowering the quality of life among the individuals. Stress may not have a definitive cause. Since, it varies from person to person so as the intensity and the consequences. Somebody’s stressors may […]

Iron Deficiency – Is it the only cause for Anemia?

blood cells

Do you feel tired and fatigued very often? Are you facing a problem in retaining the stuff you studied? Are you becoming very fair rather paler each day? If you’re a female along with these are you even facing a problem with heavy menstruation? Don’t neglect all these as just some routine small problems. Immediately […]

Did You Know Raspberries can be Useful for Fertility?

Antioxidants from raspberry for fertility

The busy fast paced lifestyle is posing different challenges to mankind. Poor lifestyle is resulting in insufficiency of nutrients, abnormal weight of people whereas in the obese cases, people are developing many ancillary problems like blood pressure, chronic diabetes, increased stress levels which indeed are unwanted happenings in your life. One such problem which most men […]

Healthy Effects of Flax Seed on Diabetes

Liquid Fill Flaxseed Oil

It is good to see that now a day’s people around the world are readily making changes in order to adapt healthy lifestyle. With so many new diseases and illnesses coming up each day it has become mandatory for all of us to make such changes to keep our self fit and healthy. Illnesses like […]

Higher Levels of Vitamin D May Help Prevent Type1 Diabetes

vitamin D

How big and terrific the disease might be, nutrition can actually make it work simpler. This is perhaps what the post you are going to dive in is going to prove. It may sound ridiculous to you, but, I know you surely will end up being glad learning this piece of information. A study published […]

Vitamin B12 may help in preventing Cognitive Decline and Brain Shrinkage

neural health

Most of us usually come across many health problems like memory loss, bad eye sight, hearing loss in old age. But, these days because of our lifestyle changes and food habits, the onset of these suffering is observed in the early stages of life. The Causes Do you actually realize what would be the cause […]

Are your Medicines making you Nutritional Deficient ??

Have you ever been sick and was under antibiotic medication? How was your feeling while you were under medication or after it?  Weren’t you weak? I hope the answer should be- yes because I felt the same and saw many of them in that condition. When the situation is a bit severe, you might have […]