With the ubiquity of smart devices, we need to show up at work for a whole day to finish our assigned tasks and the result is, We find difficulty in maintaining the balance between personal and professional lives. Though we excel at career by working hard professionally, but when links to your personal life it […]
Category Archives: Health
Your body weight is the total of the calorie that you take in, and the amount that you burn. The logic is something like this. You become overweight if you burn out fewer calories than what you take in. To get back to the shape, and be in line with the proper body mass index, […]
Laboratory studies demonstrate weight loss that has been caused by the consumption of green tea. Researchers undertook a survey of nine different individuals for highlighting the effect of green tea. The response has been found to be positive in most of the cases because the individuals under the scanner reported fall in body weight. It […]
Antioxidant – the name itself says many things to you. You are very much diverted by the word, but the reality is something that is quite different. Antioxidants not only can protect you from regular stressful life, but from different harmful diseases too. If you take the antioxidant supplements on a regular basis, you can […]
Your blood sugar has spiked up, and now you should do all that you can to keep it well under control. You should be particular about what to include in your diet, and what not to include. The items chosen should play a preventive part. The following are 5 wonderful foods known to play […]
The weighing machine displays an unwanted number. You realize that how you have ended up packing on those extra pounds. You find yourself in a state of a panic, but instead of panicking and feeling guilty about the sinful delicacies that you have taken, it is the time to be proactive. Now, you have got […]
HCM is the most widely recognized acquired cardiovascular rare infection. This influences probably one percent among five hundred individuals. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy medically means the overgrowth of heart muscles. In many cases, the thickening of the heart muscle is constrained to the left ventricle. While huge muscles are commonly connected with the stronger heart. But, the […]
What Is Nephrotic Syndrome? One may have a collection of syndromes that gives the indication of kidney damage. Such collection of symptoms is the detection of a large amount of protein in the urine. This may be caused by the lower concentration of albumin in the blood. Albumin present in the blood helps in absorbing […]
Cold weather will play disturbance on your nails and hands. Especial care should be taken throughout the winter season so that you can protect your nails from the problematic issues related to this point of the year. Normally you will see that there are a few common issues like brittle nail syndrome, Raynaud’s development and […]
BMI or the Body Mass Index stands for the ratio of the weight of a person to height. This tells you if a person is being underweight or overweight. BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is healthy. A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese. Higher BMI or weight can […]